Postgraduate Training & Research

Current Students Past Students Projects

Current Projects

See the honours or masters projects pages for current projects on offer.

The following projects are ideas which I am interested in but not currently actively pursuing. If one appeals to you, let me know. I am likely to be willing to supervise it.

Analysis of mobile ad-hoc routing protocols (honours)

Mobile ad-hoc networks are formed by mobile hosts which dynamically join, leave and move within the network.  No permanent network infrastructure or administration is assumed.  One of the main challenges in supporting mobile networks is in designing routing protocols that can efficiently handle the mobile nature of both the hosts and routers.  This project will identify current mobile ad-hoc routing protocols and analyse their performance within the ns2 network simulator.  Advantages and limitations of the routing algorithms will be identified.

Ensuring fairness in mobile ad-hoc networks (honours/masters)

A second challenge of mobile ad-hoc networks is ensuring fair access. Given the absence of centralised administration, it is feasible for a user to flood the network with data, preventing others from communicating.  This project will investigate current methods of ensuring fairness in networks and evaluate their applicability and performance in mobile ad-hoc networks.

Multi-threaded packet network simulator (honours/masters)

The REAL network simulator is used widely in the research community.  It is accurate in the results it produces; but the original design introduces many limitations to portability and to use in a distributed environment.  As one example, the original program implements context switching through assembly language calls, making it tightly coupled to the architecture and requiring assembly language knowledge to port the program to new architectures.  This project will develop a new design to overcome these limitations using a modern multi-threaded language (Java).

Graphical User Interface client for network simulation

REAL-edit is a graphical editor and client, written in Java, for developing and running simulations on a (possibly remote) REAL network simulator server.  The model used by REAL edit has several limitations.   The current interface to the user is non-intuitive and results in incorrect use.  REAL edit also uses an active model for it's connection with the server, which is typically blocked by firewalls, limiting its use by clients on a different local area network than the server.  In addition the original architecture is not well designed.  This project will address these limitations and develop an OO architecture for REAL edit with an intuitive user interface, and passive connection to the server.   Interviews with students using the package in semester II is expected to be part of the project.

Early Bird II - Network traffic anomaly detection using kernel methods (honours)

The "Early Bird" project in 2003 investigated the use of Hidden Markov Models for detecting Internet worms in network traffic.  Some encouraging results showed that HMM's were capable of detecting the Saphire worm, which had just spread through the Internet.  However, HMMs were limited in their ability to train and classify traffic quickly enough to be used as a live system.  A more modern approach to classification is to use kernel algorithms which typically outperform HMMs in training and classification speed.  This project will implement a kernel algorithm for detecting Internet worms, compare the performance of kernel methods to HMMs and investigate the practicality of  kernel method based Internet worm detection.

Compliant network architecture for supporting application service requirements (honours/masters/PhD)

The existing protocol layer model separates applications from network policy decisions that affect their performance.  For instance, a real-time video conferencing application is separated from the congestion control decisions made by the transport layer.  In the event of network congestion, all network connections on the host begin to degrade.  Applications, however, may be better served if they are able to specify and implement policy in response to network events such as congestion.  The video conference may prefer to drop the video channel in order to preserve the voice channel.  To provide such capabilities to the application will often involve violation of the protocol stack layers, allowing the application to access information associated with lower protocol layers.  This project will investigate the application of the compliant architecture model to the problem of providing a structured method for accessing information through mulitple protocol layers.  The compliant architecture model has been successfully applied in the context of allowing applications to implement policy in operating systems and the experience there can be translated to the network protocol stack.

This project will provide the TCP/IP base for the Middleware for User Control of Priorities in Data-Rich Mobile Systems project - In mobile computing environments reliable, secure and economical access to central servers is not guaranteed. Thus support for the prioritisation of I/O by database and network middleware is an important driver in the uptake of mobile technology. This project will investigate the constraints imposed on handling information in mobile environments, including the modifications that prioritisation may require for DBMS and TCP/IP architectures and functionality. We will develop flexible prioritisation policies and prototype middleware able to provide mobile access to storage, transfer, management and processing services. In summary, we will develop a vertical model for I/O prioritisation in data-rich mobile environments.

Reducing delay bounds for generalised processor sharing (GPS) based packet schedulers through a more accurate traffic arrival model. (masters or honours with strong maths background)

Generalised Processor Sharing (GPS) is a theoretical algorithm that is used as the basis for a wide range of scheduling mechanism that are the proposed for providing guaranteed delay bounds within the Internet.  The published delay bounds for these schedulers are based on network traffic flow assumptions that result in a correct, but pessimistic bound on delay.  This project will apply previously developed techniques for more accurately bounding delay, to GPS-based scheduler queuing.  Significant improvement has been shown for FIFO and the extension of this model to GPS-based schedulers will represent a significant advancement in providing delay bound guarantees while minimizing the resources that must be reserved to provide such guarantees.

Other possibilities...

If you have a specific interest or idea for a project in one or more of the following areas, I am happy to discuss posssible supervision of a project.

  • Networking support for multi-media (video, voice, networked games*/interactive environments)
  • Real-time scheduling (operating systems, networks)
  • Network protocols (including emerging protocols such as IPv6, mobile IP)
  • Mobile networks (network layer (layer 3) and up)
  • I will also consider supervising honours/masters (not PhD) projects in natural language processing.

  • *note that my research area isn't graphics so a game itself isn't a project I'd be likely to supervise any more than video or voice encoding. But games are one of the several applications which can benefit from network multi-media support so they are a valid test application for protocol and packet scheduling projects.)

    Current Students

    PhD Students

    Masters Students

    Honours Students

    Summer Research

    Past Students

    PhD Students

    Haibo Zhang (thesis accepted 2008) - "Efficient Data Delivery in Wireless Sensor Networks" - co-supervisor
    Chee Kent Lam - Efficient classification of TCP/IP packet flows

    Masters Students

    Honours Students

    Summer Research

    Wai Ho Wong - Adaptive user-level communication prioritization for mobile devices
    Phil Roberts - A web based student tool for identifying plagiarism and providing feedback in Java programs